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V2 care HSW Foundation has organised Awareness Program on Menstrual Hygiene at Nagar Panchayat Bhawan , Thakurganj (Bihar) on 8th February 2023.

V2 care HSW Foundation has organised Awareness Program on Menstrual Hygiene at Nagar Panchayat Bhawan , Thakurganj (Bihar) on 8th February 2023.Mrs Padmaja Jha , General Secretary V2 care briefed the gathering of approx 400 girls & ladies & appraised them to understand the importance of the Menstrual Cycle & how to maintain hygiene during this.
... The Chairman of Nagar Panchayat Sh Sikander Patel welcomed Mrs Padmaja Jha, General Secretary V2 care & Sh P C Jha , DIGP CRPF in the function & appreciated the initiative taken. He appraised that this is the second time , Mrs Padmaja has organised this function to creat awareness among young girls. The function was attended by sh Rajesh Karnani , social activist, Vice Chairman of nagar panchayat & most of members of Panchayat. Sanitary pads were distributed to aporox 400 girls.This program was widely covered by electronic & print media.

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