20th May to 18th june 2021 Distribution food to street dogs & animal in jammu due to COVID Lockdown.V2 care HSW Foundation is not only caring for poor & needy people but also care for street dogs who has suffered a lot, ... especially during the lockdown. We have closely watched that many street dogs died due to the non-availability of food these days. So we started a drive to provide food to street dogs so that we can save life of at least some dogs. We have started feeding to approx 80-100 Street dogs. U will find some amazing affection while feeding these dogs. We are doing this work since last one month but thought to share with you.
Read moreAchieved another landmark by getting Tax Exemption for Honourable Donor.Copy attached.
4th to 18th june 2021 Distribution of cooked & packed food.V2 care HSW Foundation has distributed more than 150 packed ...cooked food to needy & poor persons in the GMCH complex, Jammu today, in association with DIG(ops) Jammu, CRPF.In view of demand, now from tomorrow onward, we will distribute approx 200-250 cooked packed food with packed water bottles in the same complex for another five days to help poor & needy person. All COVID protocols are being maintained.
Read moreOrganized Free Medical camp & distribution of cooked food for poor & needy people on 31st july 2021.... More than 300 patients attended the camp for treatment & they were treated by six medical officers. They were provided required medicines & cooked food.
Read moreHappy to inform you that we distributed dry ration packets which include rice/pulses/potatoes/Onion etc, ... to more than 25 poor & needy families in slum area on 02/08/2021 .
Read moreA family approached this NGO for help of a poor , intelligent & bright student... for higher study.Accordingly a cheque bearing no. 37527878927 of Rs 25,000.00 WAS handed over to Mrs Nimmi Choudhary (the mother of student ) on 12th Sept 2021 for paying fee of college.It was a small gesture fm V2 Care HSW Foundation.The family belongs to Faridabad( Haryana).
Read moreV2 care H.S.W foundation has conducted Free Medical camp at village Jummapatti taluka Karjat, Dist Raigadh (Maharashtra) on 15th December 2021, in association with 102 RAF & Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital. ... This village is a remote & mostly poor tribal population. Following doctors participated in this Camp. 1. Dr.Prachiti Mhatre Consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician. 2. Dr.Manisha Matkar Consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician 3. Dr.Amogh Shahane Consultant paediatrician 4.Dr.Sai Sujana Consultant paediatric cardiology. Total 224 students of primary school got screened in programme. Students were consulted regarding growth and nutrition and various health ailments. Medicines and nutritional supplements distributed to students. Adolescent school girls underwent gynaecology screening and consulted regarding same. 12 Pregnant ladies and 13 lactational mothers consulted regarding antenatal and post natal care. Nutritional supplements provided to them by Sri Sathya Sanjeevani Hospital. Geriatric and adult age group consist of 106 people consulted by Dr.Aditya Jadhav MO/ Asst.Comdt 102 RAF and Dr. Sai Sumana general physician. Medicines prescribed and provided to them. Sh.P C Jha DIGP western sector, Sh.Rajesh Kumar Commandant 102 Bn, Mrs Padmaja Jha , General secretary V2 care HSW Foundation , Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital & eminent local government body of village Jummapatti were present to grace the occasion. Children were provided Frooti , biscuits , chocolates etc.Refreshments were arranged for the doctors & distinguished guests.The Medical camp started at 1000 hrs & continued till 1500 hrs.
Read moreV2 Care H.S.W. Foundation, Delhi organized a Awareness Programme in association with CRPF & AVA Creation, Guwahati. “Session on Female Health & Hygiene” to provide relevant knowledge about ...the importance of the menstrual cycle for females by Dr. Prajawalika Sharma in Anan Engti Primary School Campus at Matia Pahar on 8th Jan 2022. Sanitary pads were distributed to the school girls as a part of this program. The awareness programme has been sponsored by Henkel Adhesive Technology India Pvt Limited. Professor Ajanta Chakraborty Kalita, wife of Sh. Ramendra Narayan Kalita Hon'ble MLA, West Guwahati Constituency graced the occasion.The functions has been attended by Mrs Neelima Sethi Regional Head, CRPF Family Welfare Center & Mr. Rakesh Sethi, DIGP, CRPF, Mrs & Mr Vinay Rai , DIGP CRPF, Shillong, Mr. P C Jha , DIGP CRPF from Mumbai, Mrs Padmaja Jha, General Secretary, V2 Care H.S.W. Foundation, Mr. Siddhartha Shankar Medhi, Sales Head India, Personal Hygiene,Henkel Adhesive Technologies. Approx 1200 girls/ladies have been distributed the sanitary pad in different batches along with snacks packets in view of COVID protocols. Thxs to Mrs & Mr Rakesh Sethi , DIGP GC Guwahati & AVA Creations team for association & support to make this function as a grand success.
Read moreV2 care HSW Foundation organised an awareness program on menstrual Hygiene and sanitation by team of doctors Dr. Supriya & Dr. Ravindra, Gynaecologist on 8th March 2022. ...A fashion show was organised by differently abled achievers to motivate young girls.Being International women's day, 21 ladies( including differently abled achievers), who had contribution in their respective fields , have been honoured. Apart from this approx 800 sanitary pads packets were distributed among needy young girls with refreshment packets.Mrs Shweta Bapat , HOD human resource, kaveri college & well known social activist, was the chief guest of the function. Some special guests were Mr Bhupesh Singh, South Asia Head, .rs Sandhya kedlaya, Corporation communication Head, Dr. Prasad khandagale, Pune Site Head from Henkel Adhesive Pvt Ltd.Mrs Padmaja Jha , General secretary, V2 Care, Dr. Anjita Singh , professor, Mr P c Thakur , Deputy Directorate Enforcement, Handloom, Kanpur, Dr A Radha, Digp(med),Smt Gola, Mrs & Mr Dheeraj Digp IIM,Mr P c jha Digp(ops) w/sector, Mr Rakesh Choudhary, Digp GC,Mrs Bisht President CWWA, Gc pune, Ms Shobhana Dheeman, director Dheeman Trust & Guiness World record holder & APJ Abdul Kalam award winner. This programme has been sponsored by Henkel India in association with CWWA CRPF. Programme has been widely covered by electronic & print media.
Read moreV2 care HSW Foundation has organized the awareness program for Menstrual Hygiene and sanitation in remote localities schools in Indore(MP) on 12th March 2022. Mr. P C Thakur & Mr. Vipul Sharma represented V2 care... HSW Foundation & Mr. Bhupesh Singh, HSC -South Asia Head, Henkel Adhesive Pvt Ltd was also present. After the awareness program, sanitary pads packets were distributed to young girls.
(1) 350 कन्या, शासकीय माध्यमिक विद्यालय, ग्राम : बिचौली मरदाना<, इंदौर
(2) 200 कन्या, शा. माध्यमिक विद्यालय, ग्राम : बिचौली हप्सी, इंदौर
(3) 225 कन्या, शा. माध्यमिक विद्यालय, खजराना क्र 20, इंदौर
(4) 70 कन्या शासकीय माध्यमिक विद्यालय ग्राम : तलावली चांदा, इंदौर
(5) 30 कन्या, शा. प्राथमिक विद्यालय भूरी टेकरी, कनाडिया रोड इंदौर
Refreshments were also distributed to all participants. The program was widely covered by electronic & print media. This was the third awareness program sponsored by Henkel India. The next two will be in Kanpur & Gandhinagar by this month.