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Menstrual Hygiene Awareness & Sanitary Napkins Distribution Campaign at Gandhinagar(Gujrat).

V2 Care HSW Foundation has again achieved a land mark on 26th March 2022 by organising Awareness program on Menstrual Hygiene followed by ...distribution of sanitary pads to more than 1000 young & needy girls in the Gandhinagar (Gujrat) area.Apart from this an Excellent patriotic cultural program was performed by group of 35 differently abled childrens of Service Association for Blind which touched the heart of all participants.As per desire of this group a Harmonium was given by this NGO. Impressed by the performance by differently abled children, a cash reward was handed over to them by the Chief guest. Dr Priyanka, Gynecologist who gave a detailed presentation followed by a very interactive discussion in this session.Sanitary pads distributed to approximately 400 young & needy girls & rest have been distributed in the different schools, as it was difficult to gather all of them in a place due to COVID protocol.Refreshments were provided to all participants, teachers , staffs & volunteers.Mrs Ritu Datta, a great social worker & awardee of best social personality of the year by Honorable Governor of Maharashtra, who graced the occasion as chief Guest. Mr Randeep Datta, PMG , igp western sector, a veteran sportsmen, outstanding police officer & finest person, who graced the occasion as Guest of Honour.Mr Bhupesh Singh, Head HSC - Henkel Adhesive India pvt Ltd., senior officers of CRPF & civil dignitaries attended the function. The Service Association for the Blind has been donated a cheque of Rs 51,000/- for purchasing of musical instruments & condiments by V2 Care HSW Foundation in the function.Of 26th March 2022 program at Gandhinagar.Function was widely covered by Electronic & print media.This program was organised by V2 care HSW Foundation, Delhi , sponsored by Henkel India. GC CRPF, Gandhinagar & CO 135 BN Crpf have made this program a grand success.

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Menstrual Hygiene Awareness & Sanitary Napkins Distribution Campaign at Kanpur(UP).

दिनांक 29 मार्च 2022 को ऊषा पॉपुलर पब्लिक स्कूल बौसर कानपुर नगर में V2 Care HSW Foundation,Delhi द्वारा मासिक धर्म स्वच्छता जागरूकता अभियान एवं सैनिटरी नैपकिन व ... किया जो कि हेंकल इंडिया द्वारा प्रायोजित किया गया और इस कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने में भूमिजा एवं सृजन क्लब (एसोसिएशन आफ एलायंस क्लब इंटरनेशनल) ने अहम भूमिका निभाया, जिसमें निर्धारित किए गए लक्ष्य 1500 छात्राओं तथा ग्रामीण महिलाओं को एक साल के लिए सैनिटरी नैपकिन वितरण किया गया । इस कार्यक्रम की मुख्य वक्ता डॉ किरण सिन्हा(एक्स ज्वाइंट डायरेक्टर प्रोविसियल मेडिकल सर्विसेज) ने छात्राओं को किशोरावस्था में महावारी के दौरान शारीरिक स्वच्छता एवं खून की कमी तथा प्रजनन अंगों में होने वाले संक्रमण से बचाव के विषय में जागरूक किया। महावारी के दौरान संक्रमण से बचने के लिए गंदे कपड़े की जगह सैनिटरी नैपकिन के प्रयोग पर बल दिया कार्यक्रम में विशिष्ट वक्ता डॉ अर्चना सक्सेना न्यूट्रिशन स्पेशलिस्ट ने छात्राओं को पौष्टिक आहार की जानकारी दी तथा दैनिक आहार में किस प्रकार तिरंगा थाली के इस्तेमाल से कुपोषण एवं एनीमिया से बचा जा सकता है इस पर विस्तृत चर्चा की इनके द्वारा छात्राओं के प्रश्नो एवं समस्याओं का समुचित निदान किया गया। कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ दीप प्रज्वलन द्वारा किया गया। मुख्य अतिथि डॉ शिवा ने आयोजकों से इस सराहनीय प्रयास की प्रशंसा करते हुए ऐसे जागरूकता कार्यक्रमों में शिक्षित महिलाओं की भूमिका एवं भागीदारी की महत्ता पर प्रकाश डाला। भूमिजा क्लब की अध्यक्षा डॉ अंजिता सिंह ने क्लब के उद्देश्य मानव सेवा ही माधव सेवा है को मूल मंत्र बतलाया। V2 केयर फाउंडेशन की अध्यक्षा श्रीमती अंशु त्रिपाठी,किशोर लड़कियों को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सैनिटरी नैपकिन की सलाह दी एवं वितरण कराया हेंकेल इंडिया के प्रतिनिधि ने वर्चुवल संदेश के माध्यम से अपने कंपनी के दायित्व का उल्लेख करते हुए कहा कि विभिन्न शहरों में से ऐसे कार्यक्रम इस लक्ष्य के साथ आयोजित किए गए हैं कि पर्यावरण के साथ-साथ राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन का भी समर्थन किया जा सके एवं लड़कियों के लिए स्वच्छता उत्पादों के कमी की प्रतिपूर्ति और स्कूल के वातावरण को अनुकूल बनाया जा सके कार्यक्रम में साक्षी कुशवाहा द्वारा स्वागत गान प्रस्तुत किया .

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Menstrual Hygiene Awareness & Sanitary Napkins Distribution Campaign at Thakurganj (Bihar).

प्रोजेक्ट बालिका उच्च विद्यालय, ठाकुरगंज( बिहार) में V2 Care HSW Foundation,Delhi द्वारा मासिक धर्म स्वच्छता जागरूकता अभियान एवं सैनिटरी नैपकिन वितरण शिविर का आयोजन ... किया गया इस दौरान संस्था की जनरल सेकेट्री पद्मजा झा, सीआरपीएफ के डीआईजी पी सी झा के अलावे पूर्व विधायक श्री गोपाल अग्रवाल,नगर अध्यक्ष श्री प्रमोद चौधरी,पूर्व नगर अध्यक्ष श्री देवकी अग्रवाल,सामाज सेवी श्री राजेश करनानी,आरजेडी नेता मो• मुस्ताक आलम सहित विद्यालय के शिक्षक,छात्राएं सहित एसएसबी के जवान मौजूद रहे! लगभग ५०० गर्ल्स को सैनिटरी नैपकिन पैड का वितरण एस समारोह में किया गया।इस तरह का आयोजन ठाकुरगंज मैं पहली बार किया गया है।.

इस तरह का आयोजन ठाकुरगंज मैं पहली बार किया गया है।.

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Distribution of computers to Blind School & dry ration to old age home at Mattigarah (Siliguri).

V2 Care HSW Foundation has organised a function at Matrichhaya Seva Sansthan, Matigarah, Siliguri, in which we distributed the following items to Blind school & Old aged Home. 1. Two Highend desktop computers with all peripherals including original softwares for Blind children. Also maintenance & major repair of two available computers of the school. 2. Condiments consists of Four qtls superior quality rice, one qtl Atta, two tin oil, one qtl Sugar, 120 kg Pulses,20 kg ...tea powder, Maida , Suji one beg each for Old aged Home in front of chairman & trustees. Cultural programme presented by physically challenged childrens.Refreshmets were served to approx 120 persons attending the function. General secretary V2 Care HSW Foundation Mrs Padmaja Jha , presented the pen & pictures of NGO as well as brief of Henkel Adhesive India pvt Ltd as the programme was sponsored by them.GC crpf was associated with this programme for grand success.Mr Prabhanjan Kumar , DIGP Range Siliguri, CRPF was the chief guest of the function on 14th May 2022, at Mattigarah, Siliguri.It was widely covered by electronic & print media..

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Renovation of girls toilets at Adarsh Middle school, Thakurganj (Bihar).School Headmaster approached this NGO for help as girls of school were going outside for toilets.

Headmaster Adarsh middle school, Thakurganj( Bihar) approached this NGO( in written letter) for renovation of Girls’ toilets in the school.It was varified & found that no govt aid was available, ... for the work due to which girls are bound to go outside the camp in private building.So, it was decided to do the work in which one new septic tank will be made & other two available tanks will be cleaned & cover will be made then they will be properly connected for utilisation.Estimate was taken & after due bargain with contractor,cheque of rupees Rs10,000.00( rupees ten thousand only)was given to school for renovation work.

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Renovation work of Old age home at Maharastra.

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Cheque of Rs 31,000.00 given to Mrs Anita Devi w/o- late styanarayan yadav for marriage of her daughter Ms Rabari Kumari r/o Baisherbati, Thakurganj (Bihar) wgo had approched for help being a very poor & needy family.

marriage was held on 21st june 2022.

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Organised a program on 3rd August 2022 at sector Hqr , Navi Mumbai, in which one automatic Sanitary Pad Vending Machine

V2 care HSW Foundation has organised a program on 3rd August 2022 at sector Hqr , Navi Mumbai, in which one automatic Sanitary Pad Vending Machine & one Incinerator Machine each to GC Pune & Gc Gandhinagar has been given....Smt Ritu Datta, Sector President of CWA, crpf was the chief guest of function who further distributed these items to the representative of respective Group centres in the presence of Mrs Charulata Tokas, Mrs Sangeeta Rai, Mrs Padmaja Jha, General secretary of V2 care, Mrs Mona Siddu, Mrs Indrani Yadav ,comdt( int/ops) & other ladies of western sector hqr.Apart from this the function has been attended by Sh Randeep Datta, PMG, IGP western sector hqr, Sh Khajan singh DIGP, Sh C B Singh ,DIGP, Sh P C Jha , DIGP & other senior officers, SOs & jawans attended.IGP sh Randeep Datta has appreciated the work done by Smt Padmaja Jha, General Secretary,V2 care HSW Foundation. This program is sponsored by Henkel India.Both representatives were given training of these equipments for further installation & handling.The Vending machine is fully automatic & has facilities of UPI payment as well as coin payment.This machines can be installed at a place where ladies in the group centre can easily access. Sanitary pad can be obtained fm this machine by paying through UPI or Coins as fixed. Along with this, 500 Sanitary Pads each have also been given.This will facilitate the young girls & ladies to get instant pads at cheap rate in the complex.

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